The healing power of movement.
I feel the bay air across my body and the thud of my feet on the footpath. The way my breath naturally reaches a rhythmic equilibrium calms me. But the most amazing thing I have found about being in motion, is the way my mind is able to become more empty than I can ever remember it being in my entire life.

Living with psychosis.
I end up back in the corner again, the rhythmic thud, thud, thud of my head against the wall continuing. I hear them coming back, but there are more of them this time. I watch in petrified horror as I am approached by six nurses, all of whom look like giants from my position on the floor. I am picked up as I thrash about, kicking and biting and screaming. They must have got permission to knock me out. I find myself on the bed and it is in this moment the me that has been floating is reconnected with my body. All I can see is people all around me, all holding me down to the bed. One for each limb, and one for my head, then on the count of three they flip me over, pull my pants part-way down and the sixth nurse injects something into my glute. Quick as a flash, they leave.