When special occasions become hard to celebrate.
After five years I thought it would be easier, but Monday proved to me that I still have a long way to go before the 26th of August will be an easy day for me to get through. I still don't know what to do. Do I tell people to ignore it and then deal with feeling relieved, but also a little cheated and unloved when they actually do? Or do I allow the extra attention and feel infinitely loved and appreciated, but deal with more flashbacks and PTSD symptoms than I otherwise would? It feels like either way at the moment I am left conflicted. That makes it damn hard, because everyone around me wants to just do what is best for me. I'm still not sure how anyone can help or what they should say/not say. Bringing attention to the date reminds me of the trauma, but then someone saying anything other than happy birthday and being cautious around me or ignoring it reminds me that my birthday has been tainted and I am missing out on a wonderful celebration.

A day in the life of generalized anxiety.
Walking through the halls I am the ultimate observer. I see the other students like me, the way their body language tells of unspoken torment within. I see who is looking where and am acutely aware of multiple conversations being had around me. I decide sitting with people at lunch is too much today. What if I say the wrong thing?

A day in the life of untreated depression.
I make it through school using my usual tactics. Smile when appropriate, laugh when everyone else does, act surprised or hurt when something bad happens, and when it all gets too much escape to the bathroom for a bit so I can just be how I feel, numb.