Golden Trail Series 2021: Making it Happen
I had two major aims for the trip: to see where I currently sit in the world scheme of the distances I currently race; and learn about the European mountain terrain/the training required to compete on that terrain.

El Chalten: Mountain Runners Paradise
El Chalten from the perspective of a mountain runner in a nutshell. Overall I covered over 284 km with 8725m +/-, and spent over 34 hours in these mountains. Although I got to most of the major landmarks and a fair few lesser known areas, it feels like I could spend a year there and still not know all the beauty. As a runner on these trails you will have to at times stop for hikers on the more well known trails, and trail etiquette is of utmost importance to both care for the land and not ruin runners repuatations in what is know as the Trekking Capital of Patagonia. But if you enjoy these trails respectfully and responsibly then you are in for the adventure of a lifetime.