Travel Gym: Strength and Conditioning on the Go
Keeping up with the oh so important strength work required to be a robust athlete while traveling around the globe can seem like a mission destined for failure, no matter what intentions you start out with. It needn't though, because with the gear available today even the lightest traveller can take just one or two items that make a full body workout possible in any setting - and if you've carted even one small piece of gear halfway around the world, it's a lot easier to find the motivation to use it! I have refined and tested many different gear combinations to create the best travel gym for me, and the one I have going now seems to be working in terms of keeping it interesting enough to want to use it, and actually keeping me strong.

Do What You Can, With Where You Are At.
My accountability list of all the future posts I have started writing to do with my South American travels:.