My Marathon Journey Part 2
As a nature lover and mountain runner, the idea of running a flat road marathon around the industrial part of the city, alone, was rather hilarious. It was the stark opposite of my comfort zone, but hey, growth never came from comfort zones.

My Marathon Journey
The idea of running a marathon was a huge part of what got me into running. It is the first distance I 'trained' (loosely at least) for, and ever since crossing the line of my first one in 2015 I have been enthralled by the beauty of it. I ran my first one almost entirely with my head, just to prove to myself I could.

You Can Do Hard Things.
That is why I ran my first marathon, it was damn scary and hard. Why I started skydiving, I feared heights but loved flying. Why I went off as a single 21 year old female traveller to Kenya for a month. That is also why I chase big dreams and put myself out there when I do. Because like many, I have always feared going all in on something and feared judgement from others. The big question always comes - If I give this my all, and that isn't enough, what do I do then? Now I know. Adapt and keep trying. I also know that the more in touch with myself I am and the more I love my own decisions, the less I need others to love them, or even care about them.